Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Love for Christ

What role does God play in my daily life?

Prayer is a very POWERFUL thing. I pray each and every day not only for me, but for others as well.

I have a nightly devotion book that I try my best at doing every night.

I attend an awesome church and an awesome singles Sunday school class.

When given the opportunity, I share God's miracles with others.

One thing that has happened since transplant, is that I have become a very strong advocate for CF and CF research. I have a huge passion in helping others through their CF journey and are very active in the CF community, having volunteered and actually worked on staff at our local CF Foundation. I think other CF patients, families, caregivers, etc. like to hear other's stories and how you have gotten through the hard times. When I share that, it is evident that it was GOD who got me through those hard times.

One of the hardest post-transplant complication that I faced was having a body extremely weak from being paralyzed such a long time. I couldn't walk, lift my arms, sit up, stand, feed myself, etc. I was literally dependent on my parents and anyone else willing to help. I seriously thought right after transplant, that I would never walk again. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It took about 6 months for me to be completely able to walk everywhere on my own, which included driving again. However, here again, I knew God was in control, and if it was his will for me to walk again, then it would happen and I have to just be patient.

So now, I know things will happen, but I just have to trust God and be patient with him. I graduate in May, and are a little nervous about entering the real world. While I want to live a normal life and have a full time job, I always wonder if my body will be able to handle it. I worry about having adequate insurance coverage and benefits. I worry about a lot about what the future holds for me. Will I get married, will I have kids. I want to be married and have kids more than anything. But I just have to trust Him and take what is thrown at me and know that it is for a very good reason.

Right now, I'm a full time student and work part time. I get sick often and usually end up in the hospital at least twice a year with pneumonia, sometimes more. I am currently undergoing rejection treatment, and have been for the last 2 years. I sleep about an average of 4 hours a night. But I'm a fighter and will not let anything interfere with trying to live my life. God is in control, and my sole purpose here on Earth is to glorify him. Some days I am in complete awe of his creation and how I am able to live out his miracles. I'm in complete awe, that two living human beings would risk their life to save mine, without even questioning the act. God is my comforter, my protector, my shield and friend. I rely on Him to get me through each day and just take it one day at a time.

I'm trying to grow more in my relationship with Christ every day and to be more Christ-like in every aspect of my life. It doesn't come easy, and I'm not saying there are days where I just want to sleep or days where I get very frustrated and really don't even want to talk to God. But that's normal, and I just move on to the next day to see what God has in store for me. I love our Lord, Jesus Christ. And I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for HIM. I am thankful I have the opportunity to share his wonderful grace and his miracles with others. One of the blessings my CF and transplant brought, was an infinite love for Jesus Christ and a thirst for knowledge of our Saviour.


Kori said...

Great post. God is the only way I conitnue to find strength everyday to not just crumble. He is what lifts me up and carries me through the day.

Thanks fo always being there, with a kind word willing to help.