I've mentioned a few times that I also work for a local church, keeping and teaching kids! This home-based church actually broke off from my former (current at the time) church about 5 or so years ago...maybe a little longer. I started working in our church nursery (paid childcare) as soon as I turned 16. For several years, I had worked with several of the women who left to join this "sister" church. After my transplant, about 1 year later, one of the mother's contacted me about keeping the kids during their church service. What I thought was a 1 or 2-time thing, turned out to be so far, a 4 year thing! This church has changed a lot over the years, and it pretty small. I used to keep the kids on Sunday afternoons when they held their service. Then they went to Sunday mornings, where I would work every other Sunday, so i could still attend my church. They also had Wednesday night Bible studies, split up into two different groups. For awhile, I kept kids at both of these groups, because they were on different nights. There were times where I would have 10+ kids at one time...but I'm used to that, and had a lot of experience when I worked in the nursery at my former church. Currently, I only keep kids for one Bible Study group every other Wednesday night. Anyway...needless to say, I love these kids and have grown extremely close to them. I've watched them grow, and have formed relationships with their families. Although I don't "officially" attend this church, they treat me like family. I babysit all the time for different families, attend social gatherings, and take the kids on fun little outings when I can. I have a strong Godly love for kids!
This past Sunday, I was invited to their morning service for the dedication of one of the family's new little girl, Lauren, born last September I believe. I was honored to be invited, and got to visit with a lot of the families that I haven't seen in a long time. I've included a few pictures from the dedication, and another picture of some of the girls that I used to and still occasionally keep. Although we try to keep in touch via other ways, such as my CF walk team, kids sports, etc. I love them so much, and hope I can stay in touch for as long as they will allow me! Here are some pictures of Lauren and her family: (she has 2 brothers)and the last picture is 4 girls (2 on the left are sisters, and the 2 on the right are sisters).
On Sunday, one little girl gave me an iLove Valentine. I thought it was the most creative thing. Here is a picture:
Another girl made me a thank-you card for a birthday gift I had given her. They all are so very grateful, and love me as I love them! Here is a picture of the card this one girl made:
Here are a few more pictures of the kids that I currently keep on Wednesday nights (this is from last night):
Best Day
4 years ago
Those were such cute pictures, I know you do a great job with those children. It's always fun to watch them grow up....but then it makes you feel old too. =)
That valentine is so cool. And I typically really dislike this stuff, even if I have no logical reason to.
How fun is that! What a wonderful servant of our Lord you are.
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