Monday, March 2, 2009

Music Monday-Hope

This week's song is "Our Hope Endures" by Natalie Grant. WOW!! This is such a beautiful song!! And the meaning behind the lyrics...awesome!! We sang this song (or rahter had a soloist sing it) in Church last week (not yesterday). Our theme is Hope for the year...and definitely got everyone's attention.

We all have Hope....but we all also tend to lose hope during certain strenuous times in our lifetime. This song says,"The sun stays hidden for years" and "the sky rains night after night." I'm sure we can all relate to this phrase. Sometimes we have "bad" days over and over, and we never see the "light." We live in the darkness. During these times though, our hope will endure because God is with us. "Our Hope Endures in the Worst of Conditions." No matter when the sun clears, God is with us-Emanuel. And God is "El Shaddai"-all sufficient.

So when you are down, or going through a rough time this week, remember that God is with you. I know this can be tough, especially for CF patients. BUT----hold on to your Hope. Our Hope will endure!!!