Monday, January 24, 2011


I'm finally home after two grueling weeks in the hospital...this stay was extremely hard. My stomach is working normally now...but I am on a full-liquid diet for about 10 more days. I return to transplant clinic next Wednesday for follow-up.

I am attempting to attend a clinical orientation class tomorrow and hopefully class and an exam on Wednesday. I'm extremely weak, so not sure how much I will be able to endure. Please pray for strength and endurance over these next few weeks.

I hope everyone is doing well. I miss blogging!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you've had such a rough time lately. Praying that you can regain your strength soon and can happily eat again soon!! Take care!!

Lydia Russell said...

Ugh .. I'm praying you can eat like normal soon! ((hugs))

Jessica said...

Thinking of you dear friend! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, even from afar.

Jess said...

Sending you many many healing vibes. <3

Jane said...

Praying for you!

Lydia Russell said...

Was just thinking about you. Hope you're feeling stronger! Love ya!

Alicia said...

Katey, this sounds awful. I'm so sorry for you. I've decided to start blogging again and in doing so am catching up on all the blogs of people I care so much about. I'm so glad I caught up on your hospital stay, even though I'm late. How are you feeling now?

Anonymous said...

I am glad things are going ok for you. I am sorry you were in the hospital and missed so much school. You'll get through school though, just hang in there!

AND 26 is not old! I'll be 32 this May, talk to me when you're there :o)