Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quick Update

I wanted to write just a quick update!

I am feeling better, but still not 100%. I'm very tired, since all last week I was sleeping a good portion of the day. In addition, my iron levels may still be low, I'm not sure. My nausea also seems to not want to leave me alone. I go through phases when I am nauseated all the time, and others where I'm not. I've been nauseated a lot over the past week. Also, as of Sunday, my prograf level had skyrocketed, so if it hasn't dropped yet, that could also be causing nausea. I haven't eaten anything yet today.

I am returning for lab work Thursday morning. We will then evaluate where my WBC count is, and what my magnesium and hematocrit levels are. Hopefully by then, we will also have the results from the remaining virus test. All I want is answers!

I am also returning to clinic next Wednesday. And then I will have photo the following week. So at least I will be around my doctors and be getting lab work for the next 3 weeks (including this week).

Tomorrow I have another CF study visit, to start back on the 28 days of the inhaled Aztreonam. I'm not really thrilled about starting it back, but don't want to quit the study, because I know it is very beneficial to our CF research center. So I am going to try and stick with it.

A CF Blogger friend of mine, Katelyn, sent me a sweet care package while being hospitalized! She was so sweet to think of me. Thanks Katelyn!

Also..Christie, a recent CF transplant, who I have blogged about a few times, was discharged from the hospital today to the Townhouse. The Townhouse is like a hotel/apartment where transplant patients stay for at least a few weeks when they don't live in town. Christie only lives about 45 minutes away, so she will probably only have to stay here about 1 week. She is doing awesome, but still has hurdles to jump in this recovery! By no means is it easy!


Katelyn said...

I am so glad that you got the package! I was worried you wouldn't get but am glad the hospital forwarded it to your house. I'm so glad you're out of the hospital!