Thursday, January 8, 2009

The scoop...iv abx

Yesterday, I slept about 20 out of 24 hours. I felt really bad and could not control my nausea unless I was drugged with phenegren. I also was having a hard time breathing. This morning I woke up with a fever of 101.2 (which is really high for me). I called my coordinator, and she just got through talking with the doctor. They want me to start on IV abx...ugh! I'm already on 2 oral abx, so that's my only choice. I have to do a sputum culture, and take it to the lab to see what abx I'm sensitive to, so they can choose the best iv abx to put me on. So for however long it takes, I'm going to be trying to cough up junk!! Wish me luck(i know that sounds gross...sorry). I'm not sure if I'm going in the hospital, or just going to do home iv abx...we'll see! More than likely it will be home abx..because the so-called doctor on (as we all know) my least favorite.


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart...will be praying for you to get that junk up. I HATE when Sawyer has to see a doctor that I dont like. To be honest I only really care for one of his docs at clinic..I guess thats because he is the one we have been seen by mostly. Anyway you are in my prayers.

Katey said...

thanks!! i could probably guess which doctor it is that you don't care for! Seems like there is always run! Well...i had some off to UAB! Thanks!

Christy said...

I hope you get to stay at home and do these. I know it's sometimes a lot of work doing it yourself instead of letting the nurses take care of you, but at least you aren't exposed to all the bugs at home.
Hang in there girl.. praying for you!!

Courtney said...

I hope you get to stay in the comfort of your own home and get to feeling better soon!!

Alicia said...

I hope you get to stay home, too.