I thought I would do a short post on my weekend and wrap-up of this past week. WOW...this week has flown by! But it didn't fly by without it's struggles and difficult times. As you know, I lost a very close friend on Wednesday! I've had a very difficult time dealing with this, but just keep trusting God and reminding myself that God called him home for a reason. On Wednesday, after I visited with Shaun and his family, I visited with another CF/transplant patient who was in the hospital. I also had lunch with one of our CF/transplant doctors who has become increasingly involved with the CFF. We had a nice lunch! Afterwards, I went home for a much needed nap, and babysat that night!
I did not make it to my internship on Thursday. My body was so exhausted, I could not get myself out of bed that morning. That was not my plan, but really couldn't get up and going. I think the events of the day before, coupled with no sleep at night, contributed to that feeling. I got some much needed down time on Thursday. Thursday night, Shaun's mom called me to give me funeral arrangement info. I think talking to her stirred up my emotions again, and it took awhile to regain my composure. I also had to call several people to pass along the info, which was hard to do.
Friday I got up and went to my internship til about 12:00. Then headed to get my hair cut @ 1:00. I'm so glad to have my hair shorter, re-highlighted, and a little thinner. It feels SO much better and I don't like having really long and thick hair when I go to the beach. After a 2+ hour hair appt, I came home and took a make-up school exam. It was a busy day, but I felt pretty good overall. But the thought and memories of Shaun and his family were with me throughout the entire day. Thank goodness for supportive friends and family.
Yesterday (Sat), I had a CF speaking engagement. The event was a Church Women's luncheon and fashion show. And they chose to have me speak about CF and my testimony briefly. It was a lot of fun, and I was glad to get the opportunity to do this. My Mom tagged along with me! The speaking went pretty well, although I think I spoke a little too fast (one of my flaws). I think they got a good bit of donations though, and the ladies who asked me to come were very appreciative of me being there. This was a difficult decision for me to attend this event. Shaun's funeral was being held at the same time, down in Louisiana. I wanted to be there...my heart really wanted to go. But I knew that Shaun wanted me to be speaking about CF instead of driving down there. And multiple people reassured me of that too. His Mom initially told me not to come anyway(it's about a 6 hour drive), because I had been really sick this month. And she wanted me to take care of myself. But it was still so hard to not be there! But as someone reminded me, Shaun is now in Heaven, and that although is spirit would be at the funeral, He wouldn't. So I decided (after much emotional havoc) to speak on his behalf.
After the event yesterday (it was about 1 hour away), my Mom and I spent the remainder of the day together. We had some good mother-daughter time. We decided to go shopping when we got back in town, and ended up staying out til about 7:30 pm. We haven't done that in awhile, and it really was not in the plans for the day. But as we were driving home from the CF event, we looked at each other and said, hey...let's go shopping! I had had an extremely stressful week, and what better way to help that other than shopping??
We ended up at Wal-mart last night as our last stop. As I was walking in, my right foot buckled out from under me, and now it is severely sprained, if not broken. I am in so much pain from it, and can't walk on it at all....seriously. I can't put any pressure on it, and it hurts to even use my leg muscles to life my foot up. As soon as my Mom gets home from church, I'm going to get my dad to xray it. (He's a vet and has his own practice). I'm really frustrated and mad, because I HAVE to be at my internship tomorrow. But as of now, I can't even touch it! So now, more stress has been added to my week! I'm not very good at hopping around either, because of my decreased leg strength.
Well...that's my week in a nutshell(ok...a little longer post than planned). I'm glad it's a new week. I have plans on attending my internship 4 days this week. I have 1 CF event Thursday night. I am babysitting Tuesday night. I have several school exams/quizzes. And Wednesday I am supposed to return to transplant clinic to see if my pneumonia has resolved. However, I may be skipping that appointment if I have to miss a day of internship due to my foot. I'm feeling like the pneumonia has cleared, as my only remaining symptoms are ones that are going to take awhile to recover (such as energy, and breathing). But I'm not sure if my coordinator will let me skip it. So please pray that my foot will heal quickly and enough where I can stand to walk on it. Please pray for me as I'm still having a hard time dealing with the loss of Shaun, and please keep his family in your prayers!
Next weekend is Easter, and then I'm supposed to go to the beach that following Wed! (and at that time, my internship will be over with...if everything goes as planned).
I hope everyone had a great week, and has an awesome week to come!! Thank you all again for your love, support, and prayers for my friend Shaun! It means a lot!
Oh...and the layout of my blog will be chaning, as soon as I have time to install the changes!! But be on the lookout!
Into 2025 with a bang
1 month ago
Hey! Sorry about your ankle. If you get an x-ray and it's not broken, I have plenty of splints (I've broken my ankle quite a few times). My lace up boot is the best for keeping it steady and still being able to walk (if you can put some pressure on it), although you do have to go shoeless! If you want to borrow it, just let me know.
You know Brien broke his ankle? Seems to be a trend!
I hope your ankle heals soon.
Sounds like a very rough week. I'm sorry for all that you had to go through, but glad you had some high points mixed in there.
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