Well....I didn't have much luck trying to fight off my cold on my own. I was really trying hard and taking everything I could think of that was over the counter (Tylenol, benadryl, etc.). It mostly originated in my sinuses, so I guess it just made its way into the lungs. I have felt pretty bad since Friday, but was hoping I would get better. This morning I woke up (or rather, I really didn't go to sleep last night), feeling pretty sick. I had a thermometer in my car, so checked my temp and it was 102.6. So my parents made me drive back home from the lake. I just got off the phone with my coordinator, and unfortunately, HTICU(transplant floor) has no beds available. So the doctor put me on an oral abx, and if I don't improve by tomorrow or still have a fever, I'm supposed to call back. Or if I get worse tonight, I'm supposed to call back as well. I'm having chest pain, major SOB, constant cough and constant coughing up junk. I'm guessing I've probably had a fever all weekend, but didn't' check it until this morning. So I'm home from the lake, and just resting. I took one dose of the abx and are going to take Tylenol around the clock. So we'll see how it goes. I'm so frustrated....but feel really sick. So I'm not sure what's going to happen! I'll update again tomorrow (or sooner if needed). My favorite doctor was on call today (not Dr.Y), so I'm thankful for that. And hopefully we will stay on call through tomorrow!
The weather here has been rainy and cloudy! We finally had a fairly sunny and hot day yesterday (Sunday) at the lake, so I was able to lay out for a little while and take a boat ride. It rained all day Friday, and Saturday was overcast and scattered showers all day. Today is actually fairly nice, but I had to come back early. Oh well!
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Holiday!
Hey dad
5 months ago
Katey, I pray you are resting and drinking lots of fluids. We are praying for you.
Wow, how many people have a thermometer in their CAR????
I hope that you feel better soon, Katey!
Man, I hope you start feeling better. Water, sleep, water, more sleep and then more water....
Rest, rest, rest and get better girl!! I know how a fever makes you feel extra crappy too. I'm praying for you!
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