It's been a BUSY BUSY weekend!! I'm sad to see it go, but ready for a new week!
I stayed busy pretty much the entire week helping Mom with garage sale stuff!
Thursday night I did go to dinner and a movie with a friend. We saw the Night at the Museum 2 movie. It was really cute!
Friday night Brandi and I went to eat at the Melting Point. SO SO good!! I had a gift card and had really been wanting to go. I think we both agree the food was excellent. And the fondue die for. I can still taste it in my mouth. So YUMMY!!!
Saturday we had a garage sale. The sale was pretty successful, but we could have done better. I made a good amount of money though, and I definitely think it was worth it for me and my parents. My grandmother and aunt had also contributed items. Nevertheless, garage sales are always exhausting and long days. We have a friend of ours that owns a thrift store, and all of the donations/items go towards missions (local and international). So after the garage sale was over, he came by with his big rental truck and pretty much took everything we had left over, which was very nice. We didn't have to fool with packing it back up and taking it to Goodwill, etc. I think my parents and I pretty much crashed the remainder of the day. After dinner, we went out and got some ice cream!!!
On a side note: Yesterday morning (Sat) I woke up with a lot of pain in my knee. It felt like i had pulled a tendon or ligament around the knee joint area. I don't remember doing anything to it or remember feeling any sort of muscle pull in the previous days. My mom said it was probably caused by going up and down the stairs so much this week. And my muscles/joints have been tight and weak due to being sick and being on the prednisone. So I'm not totally sure what happened. Nevertheless, I can't bend my leg/knee at all without being in excruciating pain...seriously. It hurts SO bad. Last night when I got into the bed, I could not get comfortable. I was crying it hurt so much. The only position I could put my leg in is was to bend the leg completely and keep it bent. I couldn't stretch it out. I ended up just getting out of bed and staying up pretty much the entire night. I finally took some prescription pain meds around 3am and it seemed to help a little bit. It feels a tad better this morning, but still really hurts. I mean...come on...seriously? Do I need this now???
My plan for today was to get up and go to church (since I haven't been in a LONG time due to being sick and other circumstances). Well, I wasn't going to be able to do church and Sunday School. So I was going to just do Sunday School. Well, I did get up, but by the time I got to the church parking lot, there was no available parking space that didn't involve walking a LOT (and we have a HUGE HUGE parking lot/church). The shuttle wasn't running because it was before the next service begun. By the time I got into my class, I would have been late, and I would have aggravated my knee even more....UGH!! So bummed!
So I'm at home typing this post now :) My parents are at church. As soon as they get out, we are going to go see my grandfather for a little while. Afterwards, I'm going to hang out with Brandi and a couple of her friends by the pool (yay!).
Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. So we are going out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate Father's Day and his birthday! I wish all the Father's out there a very blessed day today!! I know God has truly blessed me with an awesome Dad, and I couldn't ask for better!! I love him so much!
So...yea, I know, that was an extremely TOO long of a post! Sorry! I've got another busy week coming up! But I promise to keep updating!
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