I am home! (And yes, I'm up late posting at 3am.....i guess i should have taken sleep meds). Oh well....at least I can sleep late without hospital interruptions!
I did make it to the CFF Dinner last night (Tuesday). It was very layed back, and we all had a good time!
I do plan on resting the remainder of the week...and actually have strict instructions to do so from multiple medical professionals (and parents)! I have a lot to catch up on at home...(especially scrapbooking)...so hopefully it will work out! Of course, I'm sure I will add in a few errands at some point this week/weekend!
I did go home on high-dose Prednisone for 2 more weeks. I also started using the Advair inhaler last night to see if that helps with my wheezing. I will give it about a 2-week period to see if it is actually helping! My blood sugars have been ok so far. I do have an insulin pen though if needed and will continue checking them for about a 2-week period! My heart rate has still been a little high in the mornings, but I know that will get better. I'm to continue keeping a watch on my O2 sats. Although my monitor doesn't currently work, I can usually tell when they are low. I'm praying they will get back up to 100% SOON!! And I'm hoping the inflammation will be cleared up for good!!
My doctor wants to see me back in transplant clinic on the 24th. We will either start the inhaled TOBI then or the following week (1st week of July). My coordinator is supposed to be discussing my cruise with the entire transplant team today (wed). I am definitely interested in what their opinions will be. On a side note, I talked with my friend who is going on the cruise with me via AIM last night (or rather Monday night). We finalized some details and I think, decided on what shore excursions we want to do. I did find out today that Carnival Cruise Lines is still re-routing the Cozumel port stop (due to Swine Flu). I wonder if they will still be re-routing in August??? I will share our shore excursion details soon!! I can't wait til the cruise. Heck, I'm just ready to get out in the sun.....no fresh air in about 2 weeks during the summer kills me!!
Ok...I think I am actually going to try and sleep now :) Oh...and Brandi is going home today (wed)...YAY!! She did an excellent job on her PFT's yesterday (Tuesday)...and actually gave me a little credit...how sweet! You got to love her for that!
I'm looking forward to finally editing the layout/design of my blog!!!
It’s been 5 years…
2 weeks ago
Congrats on making it home! Even if you have to continue the moon face stuff, at least you're feeling better.
Oh Katey, I'm so glad you could come home. Yes, you need some fun in the sun and fresh air!
You're home!
Couple questions: What cruise line? And what are your port stops? I recently went on a cruise that ported in Cozumel so maybe it was the same one that you are going on, and if so, I have some excursion suggestions.
I am so glad you are home!!! That's awesome. Continue to take care of yourself and feel better. :)
My tx docs did tell me it was ok to go on a cruise, but not to swim in the pools. I'd be interested to know what your docs tell you.
Yea! I'm so glad you are HOME!!! What a wonderful feeling. Hope you are able to take it easy and just recover real quick. I really hope the cruise works out for you too, that sounds awesome! We are planning on going on one next April. I hear they are a lot of fun!!
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