I got my diploma in the mail yesterday (Wed)...YAY!!! It's still weird to think I've actually graduated and have a degree (and can make money with it). And they got the correct honors on the diploma as well: Magna Cum Laude...which I'm siked about!! Maybe I will post a picture later!!
I opened up my passport...and it looks pretty cool as well!
I'm also finally filling out my application for nursing school (or rather, pre-nursing) tonight or tomorrow!!
I'm going to the lake with some friends on Saturday....so I'm praying I will be FULL of energy and feel really good! I made a Target run today and I had an appointment for my back. Today was the first day I've been out and about, run errands, drove a car, etc. in about 16 days!!
More updates and info to come later!
It’s been 5 years…
2 weeks ago
Katey how is your back?? I can remember you had several problems with it when we were young. Is everything better now?
**Congrats on the diploma!! It is such a great achievement especially when you have had the things to overcome that you have!! =) =) Way to go!!
p.s. If you ever wanted to talk to me about speaking for the CFF...I would love too! The older I am becoming, the more I am driven to spread a message!
When Iw as sick at the end of 2007 I "graduated" while in the hospital. When I received my diploma in the mail it was bittersweet. I was so happy I graduated but bummed I missed the ceremony.
Good luck with the nursing school application!!!
Awesome! I got mine too! If you were here, I could be your nursing professor! Great job Katy; God certainly has your back. ;)
Awesome on all accounts. :)
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