Finally...Music Monday! This song, "In Christ Alone" is by the Newsboys! We sang this song in church yesterday! And yes...I finally made it to church AND Sunday school! And man was it good to be back! This an awesome song and I LOVE singing it! The lyrics really speak the truth! Christ is my strength, my comforter, my all in all! Sin's curse has lost it's grip on me because of Jesus Christ! The wrath of God was fulfilled that day Jesus died on the cross. And because of that, we have the power of Christ within us. We fear no death, nor guilt. Our faith rests in Him and in Christ alone, I stand firm! God commands my destiny, and nothing will take me away from Him until he calls me Home! Christ is the beginning and the end! ENJOY!!
It’s been 5 years…
1 week ago
Oh, Katey I'm so glad you could get to church and SSchool! And this is totally one of my favorite songs! I could play it all day. The words say it all!!! Have a good week :)
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