I had my pre-nursing advising appointment yesterday and it went really well and quick. I basically just needed to confirm the pre-req classes I needed before entering the official nursing program. The advisor gave me some good suggestions and filled me in on a lot of other information. The only change in the pre-req classes from what I posted previously is....that I DON'T have to take any Chemistry. Apparently my Biology 101 class counts for the other Chemistry...I'm SO EXCITED!!! He had down that I needed a nursing statistics class. However, I told him I have already take a business statistics class AND healthcare applied statistics. So he is going to check and see if I can get out of that one. So then that just leaves 5 classes! He recommended me taking Anatomy this fall, Physiology in the Spring and Microbiology in the summer. I might be able to take Physio and Micro in the spring, but I will have to do some petitioning since Physio is a pre-req to Micro. We'll see! He told me my GPA was excellent, and from an academic standpoint, I shouldn't have any trouble getting excepted. But we will cross that bridge later (application isn't due until next April). The only other thing I need to do is get CPR certified by next August (which is no big deal..I've done if before). He was very very pleased with my background! It was a very helpful appointment! Now all that is left is for me to register (August 1st)!
I didn't get to meet with our CFF director today. I didn't sleep well last night and woke up late and my back is still in major pain. So I skipped out on it. We are meeting next Tuesday instead!
Ok...so now for my Surprise? Maybe I should tell you in a separate post? I know you are dying to know. Hmmm...let's see! Ok...how about I do a short post about it tomorrow (Saturday)? Yes, I'm going to make you wait! That just means you have to check back in and find out the surprise...it's a good one....promise!!!
It’s been 5 years…
1 week ago
Oh Katey! I need to know today. The anticipation is killing me here.
Hurry up with the surprise!!! We're waiting!
Do tell!
So glad your appt went well!!!!
I'll be looking forward to the surprise post all day!!!!!!!!! :)
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