Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I submitted my nursing school application today....YAY! Glad to have that out of the way and praying, praying, praying that I get accepted. I should know in about a month whether or not I've been accepted. I'm pretty confident, as I have a good GPA (way above the minimum requirements), previous degree in Health care, wrote a pretty good essay in my opinion (although limiting it to one page, double spaced is difficult), have a pretty good resume....with some healthcare experience. I really don't see any reason not to accept me? I did decide to write my essay based upon my CF....truthfully, having CF is what drove my passion to become a nurse. And I felt like if I didn't mention that, i wouldn't be conveying the true reason of my passion of nursing. I also included a little bit of "patient experience" on my resume. I hope they don't deny me because of my CF and transplant? I know several other CF and transplant patients that have been accepted into the UAB School of Nursing, and I think that would be discrimination if they did that? So we'll see. Please pray that I get accepted.

Back to studying....two exams tomorrow (Physiology Lecture Exam on final material and Physiology Lab Exam...comprehensive)....not near prepared as I had planned. Stayed up the majority of the night last night and probably will tonight too. I have an lab assignment that needs to be completed tonight, and then a project for my nutrition class due Friday. I plan on completing that on Friday, as I need every minute left to study for the Physiology Exams.

Also, Friday morning I have my appointment with the neurologist to evaluated the excessive shaking that has been driving me crazy! I hope they have a suggestion...but not looking forward to answering a million questions and convincing them it's not certain things (as I've done some experiments). I know all post-transplant patients have issues with shaking or "jittery" due to immunosuppresents (particularly prograf) and steroids. However, my issues with shaking were extremely minimal for about 4 years (about 1 year post transplant up until last year)...and now it is out of control....seriously. So we'll see if anything good comes out of this appointment.

Later! I hope everyone is having a great week!


Kory said...

Must feel great to have the application done! Now just praying for those finals!

Katelyn said...

What a big step! You have been working towards this for so long, Katey. You should be proud of yourself! I am excited for you and praying blessings over your application! Go get 'em!

Anonymous said...

You HAVE been working so hard. I'm praying for your acceptance into nursing school! Don't overdo it though, be sure to take care of yourself too!

Jess said...

I'm so happy for you and hoping hoping hoping for you too!!!!!!! You have worked SO HARD for this, and I know you will be a great Nurse! :)